Find answers to all your questions on our FAQ page. Get detailed information about products, services, orders, and more to help you easily navigate our site. Frequently Asked Questions about Tilley + Me.
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How do I place an order?

Placing an order is a breeze! Just add your desired products to the cart and proceed to checkout. Follow the prompts to enter your shipping info and payment details.

What payment methods are accepted?

We accept Apple Pay as well as major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express) PayPal and Shop Pay for secure transactions. We also have a payment provider for lay-away options.

What's your shipping policy?

We provide reliable shipping options for timely delivery within North America. Please review our Shipping Policy for more specific information.

Can I track my order?

Definitely! Once your order is shipped, we'll email you a tracking number to keep tabs on your package.

What's your return policy?

Most items can be returned within 7 days. Please review our Return & Exchange Policy for specific questions.

Are sale items returnable?

No, items from sales or affiliate promotions are final sale and cannot be returned. Please review our Returns & Exchange policy for other non-eligible return items such as Gift Boxes, perishables, and liquids.

Can I cancel orders?

Orders can be canceled within 24 hours. However, cancellations for certain artisanal items in production might not be possible.

How do I contact customer support?

Our team is here to help! Reach us at hello@tilleyandme.com or 1-888-500-0181 during business hours of 10:00am - 6:00 pm PST.

What's in your product lineup?

We offer an array of lifestyle goods - everything from adventure gear, and household decor, wellness products, and last but not least - artisanal pet products. Our human+pet gift boxes are designed to include an item complementing families with pets.

What's a Human + Pet gift box?

The human+pet gift box is a thoughtful package containing an item that pairs well with households that have pets. It's a great way to show appreciation for both the family and their furry friend. We are not currently offering customized options for gift boxes, but if you have a specific request, please feel free to contact customer service at hello@tilleyandme.com and we will do our best to accommodate you!

Do you have limited stock items?

Yes, some artisanal items might have limited availability. The product description will mention if this is the case.

Do you participate in wholesale opportunities?

Absolutely! We're open to wholesale collaborations. If you're interested, please email us at collab@tilleyandme.com to discuss the possibilities.

Is my data safe?

Absolutely. We prioritize your privacy and security, using encryption to safeguard your information. Learn more in our Privacy Policy.

Are there loyalty rewards?

Certainly! We have a rewards program where you earn points with each purchase, redeemable for discounts on future orders as well as a membership program that is coming soon for exclusive offers.

What about fitting or sizing?

If you're uncertain about sizes, feel free to contact us. We're here to help ensure the right fit for your chosen items.

How do I modify my subscription?

To modify you subscription, please sign in to your account. In case you haven’t registered an account yet, you can set one up here. Make sure to use the same email address you provided during checkout.

How do I cancel my subscription?

To cancel your subscription, please sign in to your account. In case you haven’t registered an account yet, you can set one up here. Make sure to use the same email address you provided during checkout.
